This month, Diego’s dedicated its community efforts to the Gold Coast Locals Charity Lunch, resulting in an impressive total donation of $7,880. Diego’s contributed by providing a gift basket for a raffle, and the funds raised will play a significant role in acquiring Halo Machines, a groundbreaking surgical treatment for Parkinson’s patients, currently offered at Gold Coast Hospital. This generous contribution will directly support the acquisition of these vital machines, positively impacting the lives of those suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
(Winner of Diego’s raffle basket)
In addition to our donation to the Gold Coast Locals Charity lunch we have also supported Friday Warriors. The Friday Warriors are made up of 58 local men, with varying levels of fitness, who come together regularly to challenge and support each other to get out of their comfort zones.
The Warriors host a sportsman’s lunch on the last Friday of August to coincide with Gold Coast Show Day. It sells out and all proceeds are awarded to someone in need. This years proceeds were awarded to the Kidd Family. Georgia Kidd, mother of 3 is facing an incredibly tough battle after suffering a life threatening stroke earlier this year. Complications resulted in half her skull having to be removed and she was placed on life support for 9 days. While she is on the road to recovery, it will be a long and expensive journey. Georgia is known in the community as someone who has always been there when help is needed and now it is time we lend a helping hand to her, and her family.
The Friday Warriors were able to raise an incredible $42,000 which we know will go a long way in helping the Kidd Family. Diego’s is delighted to be able to help every year in whatever way possible to this incredible group of kind hearted men making a difference in the local community.
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